Monday, June 16, 2008

At the beachfront

Went out y'day with my love. The thing that got him out of the house was a delivery on behalf of a friend, but a great excuse for me to get this guy out. Went cruising around for sometook a time, and the sooner we knew, we were on the ECR road ( for those who are new to Chennai, this is the East Coast Road - a scenic and breath-taking drive on the coastline, enroute to Pondicherry ). We took a small detour off the main road - one of the many found on this road - which led us straight to a small section of the open beachfront. And wow .. what a blissful place .. what a blissful feeling .. A water-lover like me, this was like paradise re-gained!!

My love unfortunately does not take to such places so easily, and I could see the impatience gearing up and showing its horns, as I was lazily collecting sea-shells on the beach. Intend to make a mantlepiece with them, but I need to make a return trip and gather some more .. hmmm is my love listening ..? ;)

We drove on to a quaint little park that overlooks the beachfront. And just as predicted, the first thing my love did on getting there .. was to get some grub .. !! Aint he a handful to manage ! Well, that done, it was on with work - yes, even at such a lovely place, his thoughts were on his comp. Had some crap presentation today and he wanted to brief thru. Well, that left me to wander about .. pottering here and there, I reached up to a tombstone, nestled between a couple of banyan trees, right there beside the beach. Aah ! to rest in the blissful sleep of the dead, to have the melodious chirping of the birds to wake you, to have the soulful rush of the waves, to rock you back to sleep .. an idyllic spot to let your soul wander around. This would be my perfect ending wish .. to let my spirit run free and wild.