Friday, May 23, 2008

A lost love

It was my love's aunts anniversay the other day .. which made me value my love and cherish him even more. Shes a widow, with an amazing strenght of heart and spirit. It is but apparent that she still holds her husband close in her heart .. and some of our conversations have led me to believe in the strength and enduring capacity of one's heart. I was at a complete loss of how I could even greet her for the day.. it had to be handled delicately. This thought kept lurking and nagging in the back of my mind, even during work, springing out into the open at times, much to my surprise and dismay. It was quite late that night as I lay sleeping, that it struck me - the power of words !!! Heres what I penned down for her.

I dedicate this, to this woman of spirit, capable of infinite love.

Today is our anniversary, my beloved
The day when many many years ago
I gave myself to you willingly and Happily
You .. a complete stranger whom I knew only b name
And grew on to be the centre of my universe
Of my being, the reason for me living

The years went by as we delved into each others souls
And our lives woven into each other
All those years of melody and pain
Pure delight and sheer happiness

I drape myself in the sweet blanket of our memories
It is then that I suddenly realize …

You come back in time, and give me this final gift
For me to treasure today and forever …
The blissful memories of our blessed togetherness
Each memory a gift that will endure ...

And I find my peace .. in the beauty of your love.

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